How Does A Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Treat Panic Attacks? As a practicing clinical psychologist, this is a question I answer on a weekly basis. Often clients call in distress, wondering why they suddenly had an...
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), or having obsessive traits, is a common diagnosis. In the United States, about 1 in 40 adults are diagnosed with OCD. It’s also a frequent diagnosis treated at Good Therapy SF....
Purely obsessional thinking, or “Pure O” is when repetitive, ritualistic, or obsessional thinking is present without the behavioral rituals. In Stop Obsessing, Drs. Edna Foa, PhD and Reid Wilson, PhD describe the symptoms in...
How Do I Tell If I Have OCD? Have you ever asked yourself, "How Do I Tell If I Have OCD?". Below is a checklist used by the psychologists at Good Therapy SF. These questions,...
Therapy For OCD Thoughts Ironically, one of the most effective ways to help with OCD worry thoughts is to use a skill when you are not worrying and OCD therapy. Drs. Edna Foa and Reid...